After working from home basically full-time for the last three weeks I am thrilled to be going back to work on Monday. It has been tough to deal with work and stress from the last three weeks doing multiple job. I am thankful John is here to help!
Friday (June 28) I spent from noon to five calling all sorts of people trying to get appointments set up. I will
be able to hand this off to John on Monday. I had to call my insurance, United Healthcare of Arizona, for state employees, and I have to say I am NOT impressed. I had to call FOUR times to try and find therapist. Therapists who are both pediatric AND EACH of the specialties (OT, SP, PT and Feeding). I FINALLY, on the FOURTH phone call, found a center that offers ALL the therapy services AND is pediatric. I called them and they are booked. The woman I spoke with said the best way to get in and get services is to have services through the DDD. I laughed! I said I had been trying to get services for the last nine months and I was the closest I had been yet.
My first call on Friday was to Dr. Salevitz. He is a pediatric eye doctor. I have to get all the children to an eye doctor. I want to see if Joseph can do an eye test now he can talk. Plus we are not sure if he is color blind or at least have the color portion of his vision impacted. Next I called SARRC. They only told me of other people to call and see if I could get help. Then I called Dr. Hancke's office. I have to set an appointment with the endocrinologist to discuss Joseph's stature and pay my bill with him. After making calls to United Healthcare I finally found a therapy office, Bright Horizon Therapy, but I have NO idea when we can get in with them. Got to call in a week and follow up (that is how long they asked me to wait). Next I called Dr. Jay Cooks to see if I can get Joseph in for a follow up with a neurologist. I will see about working Margaret in if I like the doctor and finally James. I would like to have an MRI of James to see if he suffered any brain damage (hope not but then again I never thought Margaret would have had brain damage either!). Finally I called Dr. Robin Laks office and see about taking all the children there too. She is a pediatrician in the area that deals with medically complex children. I was told she is very good and I am excited to get the children in to see her.
So that is how I spent five hours of my Friday. I did not even call anywhere near all the people and places I wanted to call but it is a good start and John can take it from here!