
Sunday, November 30, 2014

Hand Print Reindeer Craft: Fun Use for Toilet Paper Rolls!

I love Christmas time with the children.  Since they are homeschooled they still believe in Santa.  Besides Christmas the month of December is also the children's birthday.  So I want to fill the month of December with all the fun I can!  Today they children were so good!  They helped me clean the house and do laundry with little complaint.  Since they were so good I wanted to do some sort of craft with them.

I found the picture of my craft project from Pinterest.  It looked like fun and fairly simple.  We started with toilet paper rolls.  I also found some Trader Joe's shopping bags, black card stock paper, silver pen, and some oil pastels.  We also needed scissors and glue.

  • First we took the toilet paper rolls and I decided to cover them.  You could have pointed them or left them alone.  I cut one paper bag up and glued the print side of the bag to the cylinder.  This left me a  nice blank side to work with for decoration.  You can see on Margaret's reindeer I put the paper on backwards.  Whoops!  Mom had applied glue to the wrong side!
  • After we let the glue dry for a bit we took the oil pastels and drew on the eyes and nose.  I let the children pick the eye color.  Some of the colors were too light to see so I went back in and darkened in some of the eyes.  You could use small bits of paper or whatever you have handy. 
  • Next I sat with each child and traced each of their hands onto the black card stock paper.  Then I cut the hand prints out.  Since the children have poor fine motor skills  and the paper was a heavier weight I knew they would struggle.  I didn't want craft time to turn into a frustrating experience so I cut the shapes out but I left time for each of the children to practice on what was left of the paper bag.  
  • Finally I took the handprints and arranged them in a way so they resembled antlers.  I'm sure there are at least a dozen ways to attach the antlers to the reindeer but I used tape.  It seemed to be the easiest way to go about it.  
As an after though I had an idea to seal off the bottom of the toilet paper roll so I could have filled it with some dry beans or rice.  This would have been nice to help weigh things down since the antlers can topple the reindeer over. Next time I will know!
Now maybe you can make your own reindeer!  Have fun!

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