
Friday, November 2, 2012

Moving out of the Hotel!

Photo Credit:
Time to move again!  This time it is into a house with a yard.  Yea!  I got to sign the lease today.  It took SO long to make it happen but I got it done!  Staying cramped up in the hotel was MISERABLE for us.  Tomorrow John is coming for the first time to see the children since we left.  That will be interesting.  I am wondering how James will take it.  The timing is pretty good though since we will be moving while the are gone for about 24 hours.  Does anyone want to help???  Please!  :)

I will try and sneak away for a bit on Sunday to post again.  It will be a BUSY weekend!


  1. We would totally have helped! If you aren't done, let me know. But, how exciting!

    1. Hopefully my stuff from storage will be coming soon. If so you can help me unload the pods. It would also be a good excuse just to meet! :) I am pretty sure you have been my secret angel who has been giving us help when we need it. Thank you and thank you to those I do not know about! :D

  2. Replies
    1. I do not have my pods here yet but I would LOVE to get to together to thank you!

  3. Michelle, I was so sorry to read your last post about Bailey and then you being ill. I wish I had known, possibly we could have helped :( I should give you my cell phone # and you can text me if you ever get in a bind like that again. But -- you are definitely a strong woman and got it done!
    Did your pod come yet?
    Also, any idea how I can set blogger to notify me when you reply? I forget to check and I don't want to miss your reply :)

  4. Hi Natalie,

    You can get blogger to notify you if you become a subscriber to my blog (I think). Contact me on Facebook Natalie. I would love to have your number. :)

    I did get my pod and I got it unloaded. It is great. Now I just need to get everything unpacked and put away.
