
Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Countdown to Homelessness: 5 Days

Today I finally got some good news.  My uncle Walt happens to be in Phoenix in tow weeks to visit some family members on his side of the family.  I have never met them.  Though he is not in good enough shape physically to help with the moving part it will be nice to have a friendly face in town. My uncle has never seen the children.  That will be fun.

My parents were also able to get some money together and will be able to help with paying for two weeks in an extended stay hotel. It will be something cheap but it will be a place.  I am suppose to start my new job on October 15th.  This is good in some ways because it is sooner than expected.  On the other hand it is bad because I will only have two weeks to make everything happen.  To get into town, scout out a place to live, find a sitter for the children, get the children enrolled into the services they need and take them to where ever else we may need to go.  Mostly I am worried about getting the three of them enrolled in services.  For three children that is a process that can take, easily, a month to set up working on it all most full-time.

Still, it is overall good news and I am just hanging in there.  Something of a plan is coming together.  Maybe this will work!

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