
Friday, August 12, 2011

Trip to Utah

Tuesday afternoon we went and picked up the rental car so we could get the children's car seats moved to the rental car. To move over three seats is not horribly hard but it does take time and when it is 105 degrees outside it is not fun. On Wednesday morning we got up early. I gave the children a bath while John made breakfast. Once the bath was over I took the kids downstairs and John had a yummy breakfast prepared. We ate, loaded the children in the car and hit the road.

St. George is only about 2.5 hours from Vegas but they are on mountain time so one has to take that in consideration when you make an appointment. I have to leave at least 3.5 hours before the appointment time. Even though it is only a 2.5 hour car ride keeping 3 hyper kids tired up in a car seat is just asking for trouble. Apparently two hours is Margaret's limit. For the last 30 minutes of our car ride we got to hear Margaret scream. Each time she screamed she caused Joseph to cry and then James lashed out hitting Margaret and telling her to be quiet. What a great last 30 minutes before we get to the geneticist We arrived a bit early. The kids were antsy since they wanted to run around.

We met with the geneticist. The doctor said Joseph may be suffering from a genetic condition but the doctor doubted that was the case. The other possibility is a fatty oxidation disease (FOD). This is something that should have been caught at a newborn screening. So the doctor does not think this is Joseph's problem but we went ahead and ordered the test because it only involves blood work. This is also a test Johns Hopkins will probably want to run so we might as well do it now.

The geneticist told me I appeared to be unhappy with the medical establishment so far. The short answer to that is yes. Joseph is 3.5 years old and we have seen numerous specialists and NOT ONE OF THEM can tell me why Joseph suffers from the severe neurological problems he has (no indepenent walking, hypotonia and mental retardation) and not one of them seem to care. To them my son is just a number because there are only a few specialists in Las Vegas and they are SUPER booked. Why shouldn't I be unhappy? I want more for my son!

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